Worth the Hype (and it Won’t Make You High)

CBD oil had been generating a lot of buzz for quite some time now. But, what does it really do? Why is it sparking so many discussions all over the internet? We think we found out why. Here are a couple of health benefits to get you started on why it’s been so hyped up.

Maximizes Immune Function

While the immune system has several functions, CBD may uplift these functions. CB1 and CB2 receptors in the immune system help the body fight off potential diseases by regulating the release of cytokines which help fight off any threats to the body. In addition, cannabinoids are aids that maximize the immune functions of your body to keep you healthy.

Increases Energy & Mood

Cannabinoids have been shown through scientific methods that they function to mitigate the HPA axis activity during times of stress. The endocannabinoid system helps to promote adaptation to stress and physiological effects. This may also help with pain management and feelings of relaxation.

Decreases Anxiety

Speaking of relaxation – stress and anxiety affect practically everyone these days, even children and adolescents. CBD oil helps the body release natural chemicals that combat anxiety and depression. While THC has been known to cause anxiety, paranoia, and increased levels of stress along with a high, CBD actually brings about the opposite. For this reason, CBD is being used more and more to treat anxiety and depression.

Reduces Inflammation & Pain

Cannabinoids can help control or modify inflammatory responses through many different pathways. They can suppress overactive immune cells, pro inflammatory cytokines and chemokines at inflammatory sites and enhanced Tcell activity. They can ease pain and discomfort through manipulating inflammatory responses. The expression of cytokines and their receptors needs to be kept in good balance to prevent an excessive amount of inflammation within the body. It is thought that CBD oil has an anti-inflammatory effect by helping to regulate this delicate system and keep inflammation levels low.

Improvement in Insomnia

There is preliminary evidence that CBD can help improve sleep in people with insomnia and other conditions that can cause difficulty sleeping, such as anxiety and Parkinson’s disease. CBD has the ability to reduce anxiety, which can be helpful in reducing sleep difficulties and improving sleep quality. CBD has been shown to reduce insomnia in people who suffer from chronic pain.

Neurological Benefits

CBD acts as the primary regulator of inflammatory responses in the nerves and muscles in order to support normal bodily functions. Although more research is needed, CBD could be useful when treating neurological diseases because it protects neurons from degeneration. During the past years, the cannabis plant and its beneficial properties have become a new hopeful treatment for Alzheimer’s disease patients, who are increasingly following this new treatment. 

Okay, no we didn’t forget about that last benefit. CBD oil DOES NOT make you high. CBD is a chemical compound that is present in hemp, a close relative of marijuana, but It is nonpsychoactive—meaning, it doesn’t make people feel stoned. When taken, CBD allows a person to feel relaxed without the intoxication. Now that you’ve read through some of the benefits of CBD oil, do you understand why we think it’s worth the hype?